
Connect to Support


About this provider

At Hft we are committed to supporting people with learning disabilities to live the life they choose. To help achieve this we work in partnership with the people we support, their families and carers and health professionals to develop the effective services needed.

We offer a range of different support services: Residential care, supported living, leisure activities,Day Services and supported employment. We take a person-centred approach that promotes the choice and independence of the people we support. Within this network of services we help people to live where and with whom they want; to decide how they want to live and what they want to do; to develop their skills through jobs and volunteering and get them involved in their local communities; to help them make friends or find a partner; to keep healthy, take care of themselves and manage their money. Hft and Self Unlimited merged in April 2013. Together we now support more than 3,000 adults with learning disabilities to achieve greater independence and fulfilled lives.

Contact details

Freeman Close Eastergate Lane, Walberton, West Sussex BN18 0AE

01243 542714

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