AK Payroll Services
About this provider
AK Payroll is a small, friendly business that takes pride in its personal touch, providing payroll and managed account services to Direct Payment recipients for over 5 years. The services have been designed specifically to meet the needs of Service Users and are the product of having met the majority of our Direct Payment clients face to face and discussed their requirements with them. Recognising that care needs are always changing, and that you can't work to rigid deadlines, we offer flexible support that is built around you.
AK Payroll is led by Anne, a qualified accountant with over 25 years' experience in payroll implementation and customer service. Her particular strength is an ability to simplify the processes and talk to you about your payroll and employment needs in a jargon-free way.
Contact details
23 High Street, Scapegoat Hill, Huddersfield, HD7 4NJ
01484 647285
Care Quality Commission