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About this provider

Greenacres is predominantly a purpose-built care home, which is attractively furnished and decorated throughout. It has been carefully designed specifically to meet the needs of elderly residents and to provide a comfortable and homely atmosphere where residents can continue with their daily life.

Single, shared and en-suite accommodation is available, all of which are fitted with modern safety features, a 24-hour nurse call system, fire detection alarm and T.V. sockets. Other rooms include lounge and dining areas, where residents can enjoy the company of others, meet with guests, play games or watch television. The home also benefits from a well kept garden giving residents somewhere to enjoy the warmer weather in the summer months.

Our Staff

Our friendly and committed team of staff are our most vital resource here at Greenacres. Moving into a care home can be a difficult time. With this in mind, you will find that our team endeavours to make the transition into Greenacres as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, not only for the residents but also their families.

All Carers go through an in-depth Induction with further training in First Aid, Safe Moving and Handling, Food Hygieneand Safety, Healthand Safety, Infection Control and in-depth Dementia awareness training.

Contact details

Fieldside, Crowle, Scunthorpe, DN17 4HL

(01724) 711661

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