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Lincolnshire House

Quality Care for adults with Cerebral Palsy and associated disabilties.

Residential Care, Respite, Day Care, Independent Living

Lincolnshire House is proactive empowering people with disabilities to take control of their lives. Person centred planning has always been the norm. We encourage people with disabilities to take part in every decision which affects their daily life. This includes being part of the Executive Council, residents and house committees to interviewing staff and promoting Lincolnshire House. This is my home, my life! We provide flexible services to meet individual needs.


Lincolnshire House is registered by CQC to provide 37 beds, 35 beds are residential and 2 beds are used for respite. The residents live in small self-contained bungalows, in groups of 2, 3, 4 or 5. All bungalows have single rooms with shared kitchens and lounges, with the exception of one bungalow all bedrooms have en-suite facilities. Fees reflect the needs of the individual.


Local people access respite for overnight stays, one week or even up to one month. Whilst on respite services users are able to access all facilities to include internal and external activities. We welcome future users to come and view our facility which has been operating for almost two years.

Independent Living

Lincolnshire House has two flats which can be used as a stepping stone for people to move into a more independent lifestyle.


We provide a range of activities both internally and externally. The activities on offer are reviewed regularly and changed to ensure the wishes of service users are met. Recent lottery grants have enabled us to form a power chair football team, swimming and bowling are popular external activities some of the internal activities include adult education, daily living skills, health and beauty. We also have a multi-sensory room available for hire.


Investors in People, Positive about Disabled People.

Website Address

See our testimonials on www.lincshouse.com