Important information about the price
The price shown for this product excludes VAT as most customers will qualify for VAT relief when buying this product. This is because the product qualifies for VAT exemption under the VAT Act 1994, so long as the user of the product is chronically sick, disabled or terminally ill and intends to use the product for personal and domestic use.
Chronically sick means that you have an illness that is likely to last a long time eg arthritis, angina. Disabled means substantially and permanently handicapped by illness or injury. You do not have to be registered disabled to claim relief from VAT, but the nature of your illness or disablement must be specified when you place your order.
To claim VAT relief, you must complete a self-declaration form during the checkout process. You will need to state the illness or medical condition you are suffering from, tick to confirm that you wish to claim exemption and that the information you have provided is correct. We will only despatch your product when we have received your declaration. We are required to retain a copy of your declaration and it may be passed to HM Customs & Excise as evidence of your eligibility.
If you are in any doubt whether you qualify for VAT relief, you can email the our helpdesk or call 0333 600 6330. Alternatively, you may want to contact your local Customs & Excise office directly or view the guidance note published by HM Customs & Excise which provides further information.
If you don't qualify for VAT relief but still wish to buy this product, don't order it yet. You should email the our helpdesk or call 0333 600 6330 and we will arrange for the product to be added to your basket at a VAT-inclusive rate.